Black marketing should be considered a crime, but the days have gone by when these things are happening only in the essentials market and especially the medical supplies. Logically and ideally black-marketing should be banned, but unfortunately this word “Should” and infant ethics have just been limited to books and talks. First, let us understand What is Black-marketing: “A black market, underground economy or shadow economy, is a clandestine market or series of transactions that has some aspect of illegality or is characterized by some form of noncompliant behavior with an institutional set of rules.”
What can be done?
List of COVID Essentials | Can Government stop Black Marketing of Essentials? – Explainer By Shivam Bajaj |: The question here is “What Can be Done” but instead “What not can be done to stop Black-marketing. One of the main reasons for writing this to you is after being concerned about the recent happenings in the country, be it the unfortunate black-marketing of Medical Supplies or double pricing for coronavirus vaccines in the country. More than half of the country can be treated when these prices are charged as per the normal rate. Even reports have told, Entering a cremation ground along with the dead body is not even letting them have a sense of respect before charging such heafty amounts.
We, in a country, believe that doctors taking hypocrites oath will serve their patients but unfortunately, not all of them are doing the same. Many of you would say that it’s not the correct time to discuss politics, but it’s really only in the supreme power of the country to enter the scenario and fix the prices to prevent black marketing especially when it comes to essential medical supplies and vaccines. I am not here to discuss whether elections should or should not be conducted, they definitely should not be conducted or should be with protocols and covid appropriate behavior including politicians following them (can be read and seen here as well), since the issue here is not about elections but Black-marketing, so will focus only on that.
Open Your Eyes
it’s not new that politician’s responsibility is being carried by the people and not themselves, which is highly appreciable. I am mesmerized by the fact, people are doing on foot to help the COVID patient and even the people in need. You can also not ignore the fact of recent Madras HC judgment about holding the Election Commission accountable for COVID spread which absolutely is a valid judgment, here I again I do not mean to refer to Elections and COVID 19 but just keeping updated.
What all have been done?
Unfortunately only, the below efforts have been done by the people of India to help contain the deadly virus.
- COVID Resources– Spreadsheet
- Sprinklr Software for Availability Across India
- COVID Resources– Instagram
- COVID19 Support For Across India
- COVID19 Resources– You can check the links
- A few weeks back, I had also drafted a petition on Change.org for a hospital to be operational in Dwarka. If you have not signed the petition you can do it here.
- TeamSOS India- Twitter
- Plasma Donation Form- Fill Here
- Tata Consultancy- Book here@100
- Check Volunteers in your area – here
- COVID Knight Club- Here
- Contact For Auto Ambulance Delhi @ 01141236614
- Important posters below:
I am not be getting away from the topic of Black-marketing, that all should be punished and especially those creating hurdles in the current times of the pandemic. We have heard the news of selling cylinders and giving ambulance services at Sky Rocketing prices and still there is absolutely no one to control the same. In fact, another addition comes after the double pricing model for Coronavirus vaccines, which is definitely not legal under the constitution of India and also justifies, snatching of basic health rights to people of the country. Again, I wanted to request the Government to do so, and I am also drafting this for you to help me get to the maximum authority possible and to punish people responsible for black-marketing.
Essential commodities act 1956 provides govt powers to add any commodity as essential commodity which the govt may seems fit.. these items are used or required by general public at large, and the supply of these items are limited. Such thing was done in March-April 2020 during the first wave to list items such as PPE kits, sanitizer, as essential items
Such items can not be sold then above the price fixed by the authorities.. and also no one can store items beyond a limit. Also govt can ensure the distribution of items such as oxygen.
Now there are news that people are getting oxygen filled from distributers directly. Long queues can also be seen… And what these people are doing with this O2 no one knows… Some are buying O2 out of fear.
Furthermore, regarding ambulances, govt can hire certain cars or autos or rikshaws to make ambulances.. as under lockdown these vehicles are not being used anyhow.

Centre had taken steps and that can be read here but that has also passed a long time and once something stringent needs to come and followed. It’s a positive step that Government now, had told the vaccine companies to lower the prices, but the decision’s impact is yet to be seen practically. I would like to say, lets together fight this deadly virus and follow the below practices if you are seeing any symptoms or want to know the correct procedures:

One should not feel sad about not being able to help, those who are at home are also helping, now most of you would say, how is that possible. But my dear friends, if you are not stepping out, you are also not becoming a career of a disease or of this virus and secondly, you are keeping yourself safe.
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