I personally feel that if we are not fit then our improvements don’t really matter and we can’t do anything productive for our economy as well.
In the past few days, pollution has created a menace amongst people and the society, Almost every Person in the few days can be seen wearing a mask to protect themselves from the harmful polluted particles, we can’t say that pollution has decreased these days but yes people wearing masks for protection have decreased.
This all started before the Diwali and after Diwali, the situations were worsened.
A few days back Delhi Government banned the Construction work for few days and also closed all schools but as the situations were in control the ban was removed.
Imposing Bans won’t work the only thing which will work and change the scenario is people’s individual active participation.
Every problem has a solution but taking that problem into a political controversy won’t ever help
but I think someday and somehow people in power will understand that giving a political “masala” into a problem won’t help it to solve but indeed increases the problem.