INTERIM BUDGET 2019-Facts & Opinion By Shivam Bajaj

Shivam Bajaj  > Explained >  INTERIM BUDGET 2019-Facts & Opinion By Shivam Bajaj

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Opinion, Facts & Analysis by Shivam Bajaj

But Why ????????

Budget is an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified future period of time; it is compiled and re-evaluated on a periodic basis and this time has grabbed all the eyeballs and also is successful in capturing all the senses.  Individuals, workers & farmers always keep hopes from our government for them to give them the advantages.  1st Feb 2019,  is the date when Hon’ble. Minister Piyush Goyal (in the absence of Arun Jaitley) presented an Intern budget in the parliament.

(All are requested to read the links after reading this article)

Now I am sure you all must have already switched to your favorite news channels (after Selection as per the TRAI update). You all must be glued to your television screen by now, this time grab some popcorns and Pepsi as well, as most of your channels have started showing you the updates with all the Gram Masala, Spices & whatnot.

Just after that, it was Social Media which added some more flames to it in the form of memes, so now you have your perfectly grilled fries and along with them some pakoras as well. First of all let’s try to understand why an Intern Budget is presented: According to The Economic TimesThe government of the day presents an interim budget if it does not have the time to present a full Budget or because national elections may be near. In the latter situation, propriety demands that the task of framing the full Budget be left to the incoming government. 

Now Without any further ado, let’s get to know about the highlights of the “Show


Read More About Intern Budget Here Here

  •  Single Window Clearance for Indian Films as well.
  • Anti-Piracy Provisions in the Cinematograph Act

Know the News on Entertainment Budget

(All are requested to read the links after reading this article)
Read Everything about the entertainment sector here
  •  No Tax Slab on Income of up to 5 Lac Rupees (THIS WILL BENIFIT PEOPLE WITH LESS THAN 5 LAC INCOME).  If You Have an Income worth 5 Lac and goes up to 10 Lac then you would attract a tax slab of 20%- Remember they have now removed 10% slab.   & above 10L the slab is 30% . Still here is the Savings:
  •  Rupee 6000 for farmers with 2acers of land- Remember, in today’s inflation this means that every family does not have a single member, with this fact just calculate this distribution in 5-6 member family. (*6000/Year in installments).   
  • Kamdhenu Ayog Launched for Protection of Cows ( GAU MATA RESPECT).   – According to a Report Cow Terrorism Killed 23 people , women & children.
  • Unmanned Crossings Have Been Eliminated Yes They Have !! Read it Here. According to the times of India, There were 3,479 unmanned crossing and the state-run transport behemoth plans to get rid of the remaining 77 by the end of December of 2018 (Earlier Report)  
  • 1L Villages Will Be Digitised in UPCOMING years- Remember that no comparison of 2014-2017 was done instead, we were being dreamt by this again.   
  • One more thing was introduced which is
    Standard Deduction
    ” this is now
    increased to
    50,000 to an earlier limit of 40,000
    . Let me Explain this to you, earlier when you pay income tax, instead of claiming your HR (Housing Allowance, Dearness Allowance, Travel Allowance), you now have a single amount which you can claim or get it deducted instantly while filing the return.


  • NO TDS WILL BE DEDUCTED FOR RENT- 1,40,000-2,40,000
  • Rollover of Capital gains is now for 2 Houses which was earlier 1 
  • Companies with less than 1 Crore Turnover will have to file GST only 1 Time in every 3 Months
  • 50,000 Exemption in NPS (National Pension Scheme)
  • Savings of 1.5 Lac on PPF (Public Provident Fund)
  • Tax Deducation upto 2 Lac on Home Loan
  • KISAAN CREDIT CARD SCHEME– Benifits for Farmers & fishermen { Extra Interest of 2 Percent & 3 Percent on Payment & timeliness etc }
  • Buisinesses upto 250 crore will attract 25% Tax Slab & not 30%
  • Extra Interest for Fishermen 
  • Special Fish Department to protect Global Fish Exports
  • Vande Bharat ,Train 18 Launched  


(All are requested to read the links after reading this article)
Now, I will be very happy if this turns true, but for that, they have a “Terms & Conditions” i.e Vote For BJP or Namo Again. I am Vey gratefull by knowing that the Modi Government is telling this as the “Farmer” budget but if the discussions or mentions on Swaminathan Report was there then that can be truly said the same. Remember you were watching this all in your fancy TV Sets  
Here is what Salman Annez, A Development Consultant needs to say:


I  just Sometimes doubt that why only people from “Fancy” High Posts during this government leave their high-profile jobs. These people from the party left, let’s find out when, why & how

(All are requested to read the links after reading this article)
  1. Urjit Patel Resigned (Details Here)
  2. Sarangkumar Patil was suspended after giving information about bullet train project Check the details here)
  3. CBI Officer, Sudhanshu Dhar Mishra who was probing  “Kochar-Videocon” case, got transferred to Ranchi (Details Here)
  4. P Manikyala Rao, resigns from his fancy MLA post, citing that the government is not able to fulfill promises. (Details Inside )
  5.  Dalit MP Savitribai Phule quits BJP, says, its dividing nation (Details Inside)
  6.  On on Side BJP MLA in Haryana Premises Guns & gunmen, cash ( Details Here)
  7.  Shivam Shankar Singh, BJP Member Leaves BJP among polarisation. ( Here is the Report)
  8.  Navjot Singh Sidhu left his seat. Just remember people are ready to spend crores of rupees just to get that seat.
(All are requested to read the links after reading this article)
Now some of you while reading this blog, might say that this can be a coincidence but Only 1 or 2 can be, but not 8 or more. The list here continues. I even have found this case where Crores were paid just to transfer the CBI Officier. (Details Here)  Let me explain to you some more points
In an interview to ABP News, Amit Shah himself tells people that the 15 Lakh was nothing but just a political “Jumla” – Watch here.  While stating all this above, I am not, at any point favoring any party, of course, we can not forget the folly and mistakes of the opposition too.
Also in this Intern Budget, there is one thing which is definitely not stopping, let’s see that
1. 2011-12:  1,64,415 Crore
2. 2012-13:  1,78,503 Crore
3. 2013-14 : 2,03,672 Crore
4. 2014-15:  2,29,000 Crore 
5. 2015-16 : 2,46,727 Crore
6. 2016-17 : 2,49,099 Crore
7. 2017-18 : 2,74,114 Crore
8. 2018-19 : 3,19,000 Crore
—————————————–जय जवान हेलो किसान———————————————————
(All are requested to read the links after reading this article)
The Union Budget for 2014 also promised many new things, here are the highlights
The Union Budget for 2015 also promised many new things, here are the highlights
The Union Budget for 2016 also promised many new things, here are the highlights
The Union Budget for 2017 also promised many new things, here are the highlights
For everyone’s help, have added above the highlights of different budgets above. Do share your opinion by comparing it below.  Senior Citizens definitely missed a lot from this budget. Who Ever enters politics should easily win hearts and fulfill promises.
जय हिंद…
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The post is really good. Because you have mentioned the merits and demerits of both government and opposition. Content is really good…

Thanks a lot for giving your time to read my article. I am glad that you liked the post. Keep Reading other blogs as well. #KEEPSUPPORTING

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