Terrorism is nothing more than trade between countries which can be silent for some time but will never finish its existence. The funding of these terrorist groups has always been under the radar and often involving the government as its main source of income. No One is born terrorists, it’s just that consequences make them so. “Human Bombs” have been widely accepted by these terrorist organizations like “LeT, ISIS” etc. But one never knows the identity of the person who was forced to drive the car with bombs, explosives, and materials. I just at times think, that why will a terrorist (on his own will), will be ready to be a human bomb. According to my thought, the people on the driving seats or these Human Bombs are not someone from their own group but he/she may be one of the person’s being kidnapped by them or even maybe brainwashed in the name of religion.
Now, most of you would think, that why am I bringing this angle to the terror attack story, I just want to think about the entire happening with this angle as well because I really want to know about that side of the story as well. While Writing, I am not taking sides of any terrorists or even organization but I really want the government to make a rule and even add an amendment for special punishment or even a death sentence to the Terrorist who uses the “Human Bomb” to execute its plans to kill people. I definitely have the respect and will give due homage & respect along with condolences to all the CRPF soldiers who died in the attack and the families who have lost their loved ones. This is definitely the biggest ever attack which happened on the armed forces of India. The families of these soldiers should also be taken care of and the 25L compensation or even some reports are talking about 50L to 1Cr. to their families will definitely not help them get their loved ones back but will definitely help them move respectfully and to live on.

Reports are coming after the incident that the substance used in the blast was not RDX but was Aluminium Nitrate, while some reports are even questioning the quantity of the substance as it wasn’t 350 KGs but only 60KGs. Also, the type of car also was questioned in some reports as a sedan and not an SUV. People are even questioning how come a car full of explosives can cross and enter the territory, even how can the vehicle carry that quantity of Explosives. Now, for the families who have lost their loved ones, the women who are now widowed or the children who have lost their beloved father, these reports are of no value and are baseless but for the country’s security a proper investigation should be demanded and the type of attack should be stopped and not repeated in any form (be it whatever it is).

Now it’s not something new when terrorist attacks are being politicized, all attacks are, be it national or even international. Though Snatching the “Most Favoured Nation” status from Pakistan is one of the positive steps and I am hoping that more rigorous steps will be taken against Pakistan. (In international economic relations and international politics, “
most favored nation” is a status or level of treatment accorded by one state to another in international trade). Even Bharat Band has been requested by the leader of Trade Association, New Delhi “
Mr. Praveen Khandelwal”. People are taking steps but more are yet to come in the form of policies and various new steps.
This is also not something new that any particular political party or even a leader does everything for the votes and especially when the elections are around. Now, according to me, this is not something incorrect, any party in power will want that, not only BJP in this case. It’s not at all difficult for people who are commenting or even presenting their views but one should also think about the families who lost their loved ones respectfully. The list of attacks definitely does not have an end, some of them are mentioned below
1. Pulwama Attack- 40 CRPF Jawans Killed (6 Killed Afterwards)
2. Pakistan School Attack (Peshawar)- 114 Injuries
3. November 2015 Paris attacks- 129 People Killed
4. 9\11 – At least 174, including the attackers
5. Syria Destroyed- 400,000 Killings, 500 children had been killed by early February 2012
6. URI Attacks- 38 Kills
7. World Trade Center – 2,996 people were killed
Definitely, the list does not have an end. Like, I said Politicising these terror attacks just for votes is bearable at some point but using it for creating communal riots and creating Syria like the situation will definitely have to stop otherwise, Syria like the situation is no further. Also, the weapons of mass destruction have a new meaning these days which is of social media. In the book “I am a Troll” (You Can Buy Here) by was mentioned some names of parties using social media as weapons of mass destruction. Media, the fourth pillar of democracy is supposed to report facts but crossing the ethical lines of becoming unethical, these days most of the mainstream media has even crossed the lines of sensationalism.

This can be very well related to the Reportage of Sri Devi’s death as the “
. Will discuss more in detail in upcoming blogs but let’s come back to terrorism. Now, most of you must be thinking that why have I brought the attention to the role of media, media reportage and interpretation is really important and needs to be ethically and factually right and even should be without sensationalizing the reports but that does not happen and the trend of ethical channels have reserved its right to very limited channels. Reporting the sensationalized stories is also a crime and terrorizing the families as well.
Most of you would not have forgotten the statements given by Pakistan was a denial of the terrorists’ presence in the country. Now just imagine, how baseless those statements were. How can such a “
So-Called Powerful” Country despite knowing the training locations of these terrorists and their point of operation, are denying the fact of their presence and acceptance? I think this is just unacceptable from the so-called. Obviously, this did not happen once but many times, even in the “
Osama Bin Laden” case the situation was the same. We respect good relations but not at the cost of the lives of our soldiers and even journalists. Now isn’t all this leading to some kind of political interference with these terrorist groups? Just Give it a thought. I am sure that there in Pakistan as well there are many people who don’t want the hate for India and vice versa, it’s just a vote bank and religion politics which is dividing people, humanity, and the nations as well.
Even In the Mumbai Terror Attacks, (9\11), The Situation was not at all under control in fact during the encounter of Zakir Rehman Laqvi he revealed that he was told to fire till his death and at least not till when he died. I just at times think that despite giving such brutal killings or even genocide, these terrorists are not even being referred to as terrorists by major world economies and countries and even powers. The weapons of Mass Destruction are even more destructive when it makes available the explosive making process with the click of a button. Even how we forget when the Pakistan FIA did not investigate Hafiz Saeed despite he is one of the biggest terrorists.

I think this is a serious matter for giving a thought to that why do some governments not stop terrorism but instead support and back and even fund these terrorist organizations. We must have also not forgotten about what happened in
Syria &
Iraq, one of the most beautiful places has now been turned to nothing but sand or dust. Each and every photograph which surfaced in one of the weapons of mass destruction created sorrow and grief in our hearts. The A
rab Spring Protest which originated in 2010 in
Tunisia definitely had taken over the Assad Government in Syria

(Bashar al-Assad) over discontentment and has led to Violent suppression in the country but it’s also considered as a terror sable crime along with the political suppression and blunder. It was definitely due to political interference that powers like
the US, Russia, Britain, and even
France had helped the moment by turning
Syria into ashes. Now, this is also considered as a terrorizing instrument. Just think where the kids of these terrorist study & live? & whats there funding
During the days of the Pulwama attack i.e. 14 Feb 2019, a report confirmed the location of “Mashhood Azahar” but still, most of us know that nothing will happen as the puppets will always remain so and do whatever is told to them. Mashhood Azahr, the founder and leader of the UN-designated terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed, active mainly in the Pakistani administered Azad Kashmir and other terrorists were never deemed to be a terrorist instead the governments and these supreme powers in their statements were seen acting as spin masters. Above mentioned facts always help me to draw a conclusion that
Terrorism is nothing but just a business of Genocides and blood bath if this stops then one of the main administration of the country and one of the main sources of votes will come to an end and this won’t happen.
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