Introduction: India@2050

India@2050- Curse To Mankind By Shivam Bajaj: Climate, one of the most important factors to survive on this beautiful earth, there is no better gift of Nature which is bestowed upon us in the form of Climate. We, human beings have tendencies to which each and every person has his or her own favorite season, some prefer summers, while some winters or some are season-specific too. Writing this article according to me is a matter of concern and I will tell you further as we go through the entire process.
The number of factors for climate change include latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean currents, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds. The global climate system and any changes that occur within it also influence the local climate. The study of which is known as Climatology. As mentioned above, Climate change is mainly affected by those factors mentioned above.
Why India@2050?
India is a diverse country with billions of people living in the country. For us, it is very important to understand climate and oceans, without which our Generations will be at risk, subjects of global Warming are being Studied across the world and so is the climate and oceans but unfortunately in India, a major focus never remains on such issues. Hardly, it is a matter of coincidence, we talk about such topics of mutual interests but still hardly care about them. It’s very unfortunate to say, despite knowing such revelations we are not taking our step forward towards nature, climate, and Oceans.
We are too busy in advancements that we are over-utilizing resources for developing infrastructure for a larger part of the growing population, We, know about the Chennai floods, but how many of us know that it was called as a Manmade Disaster by the CAG report. The main reason for calling a Man-made disaster was the overutilization of available land to an extent to even block the City’s drainage system and barren land to satisfy the needs of the people by building power and energy sectors.
According to the Experts, if such remains the situation Chennai might disappear completely, submerged deep inside the waters as no space has been left for drainage systems and barren land and we do not need to wait for 2050 for the day is the worst part. The day is not far if we keep on doing this.
Ringing Bells: India@2050

India@2050- Curse To Mankind By Shivam Bajaj: We all must have seen how solution in Delhi is always a problem, especially not only where crops are being burnt in Punjab every season, but also other contributors like Factory Pollution, Industrial taste Dilution into Water Bodies, Construction Smoke, etc. According to the experts, the generations and especially children will be made difficult to Breathe, the problem may seem to be solved by the COVID 19, but for a long time its a major problem to be faced, the repercussions are already to be seen, as untimely floods, or climate attacks.
We all must have remembered cyclone Fani in Odissa, which according to experts has led Odissa to be 40 years behind when it comes to greenery. If we Talk about Delhi, according to a Documentary on Discovery Plus’s India 2050, it’s no far that Delhi will be having left with richer people living underground with the masks being new normal and huge turbines still inefficient to clean the air despite huge Air Filters, with Almost no Farmers and few skyrocketing prices of leftover grains, and 3 Meals a day will be replaced by 1, making pills new normal at 2050.
Water War & Facts: India@2050
Water is one of the most crucial resources to survive, I will again reframe it, it’s not one of the most but it is definitely the most important resource to survive but the future always seems its scarcity one of the biggest dangers of all time. Let’s Discuss Some of the Facts!

- Only 3% of the world’s water is freshwater, and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for our use.
- As a result, some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion find water scarcity for at least one month of the year.
- By 2050 almost 570 Coastal Cities around the world will be at risk of flooding. New York, Miami, Kolkata, and Mumbai could be at a huge risk of flooding amongst others too. The Arabian Sea already saw 4 Cyclones and they were the first time after 1902, where Mumbai is situated.
- Of 36 Deadliest Cyclones in the world, 27 have been originated from the east coast of India.
- By 2050, Climate will create up to 1.5 Billion Migrants having no place to go or live.
Rising Temperatures – India@2050

Rising Temperatures of the Earth are due to increased Tampering of Natural Resources and Increased Clever Manmade Usage which are increasing the chances of melting the ice on the ranges too which then enters rivers and oceans to increase water levels which leads to floods.
The frequency and intensity of Natural disasters will increase says, experts. and not just this, India Saw the world’s highest climate deaths in 2018 also says reports. Our Arrogance has created and landed us into problems, getting richer will not let us getting escaped from climate shocks. According to the Documentary on Discovery Plus, In the Future, the War will be not for weapons or power only but for this basic necessity which is water.
Worst Impact of Climate Change is happening now said Sunita Narayan, Director General Centre for Science and Environment. The Problems will continue to rise, the Sunderbans will disappear and the ice on the Everest will continue to melt which will be increasing the overall earth temperature and increase ocean waters, which will be then entering the Land of the cities as the drainage will already be blocked by the Infrastructure, seems to be the prediction for the future seeing the present climate impacts.
If we don’t get water, we buy a bottle but we are not caring about drying rivers because we believe, we already are getting clean water in our taps. This is what we have, we do not have any planet B, its time to wake up and realize. and see its impact on posterity.
Positive Impact of Climate India@2050- Curse To Mankind

Enough is being talked about what could be and in-fact what will be the future if we do not care and wake up today. Now, To End it in a positive note, let me share some positive impacts of Climate around us:
- 1. First off, let’s be clear: In general, the greenhouse effect is a good thing. Without greenhouse gases, the temperature on Earth would be too cold to support life. With too much, it would heat up beyond survivable levels.
- Melting ice caps have caused sea levels in the north to rise. For the first time in hundreds of years, ships can pass through the fabled Northwest Passage above North America.
- Among climate scientists, 97 percent agree that human-caused climate change is happening here and now. The sooner we act to slow the rate of climate change, the lower the risk and cost for future generations. (Definitely a Good News)
- We are seeing people such as Greta Thunberg who actually cared for the Climate but we need many more people to raise the voice of not just India but the entire world.
The biggest problem is the increasing human population
Sadhguru, ISHA Foundation
References to India@2050

Below are the two documentaries, I have made on India’s Initiative #SwachBharatAbhiyan following the ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi. and the second documentary is focused on the solution to the problem faced in Swach Bharat Abhiyan.
Review of Documentary “India@2050”
I have been talking about Climate Change, the blog was inspired by a Discovery Plus Documentary called “India in 2050, are you ready ?” The documentary was an eye-opener which in the end forced me to write a blog on this and share the thoughts along with some facts. I will definitely recommend watching this documentary for a further detailed analysis of the world in 2050 based on the climate. I will give this 4/5 and definitely a must-watch for everyone! Also, the solutions to the problems have to come equally by the Government and us.
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Shivam Bajaj
People should be aware ! Well Written. Should be a responsibility of all.
Thank You Very Much ! Anika #KeepSupporting and do not forget to give your valuable feedback at
Your videos and article is certainly support the process of cleanliness . Cleanliness drive was a great move in solving the problem but mostly people left it for the government. Neither they are following the norms nor afraid of fine . Situation is very grave . This can be successful if everyone does their bit .
Absolutely, Thank You very much for your support always, this indeed is a very big problem that our future generations can suffer with.
Eye opener
Thank You very much sir, this means a lot.