What is Pegasus?

One world which has made a new trend once again after COVID19 is Pegasus. Pegasus is a surveillance technology created and sourced by and from NSO. The company which is responsible for making this technology has many clients on its list. A form of spyware that uses no link technology and can surpass all the security firewalls on any multi-operating system’s OS. Surveillance technology is not something new which we are currently hearing about, in fact, almost every country has been using some of the order kind of surveillance technology to keep an eye on its own people or maybe the opponents. Cyber intelligence for global security and safety claims the Pegasus developer “NSO Group ” official website.
The Scenario

Pegasus was developed for Cyber Intelligence and to detect and prevent terrorism and crime, the NSO group has a lot of clients on their list to which they have been supplying as per the received orders. As the internet is penetrating our lives, the risks of leaking private and sensitive information also increase, earlier, we use to inform people about malicious links, but today, such spyware, using NO Click technology, has changed that definition as well. This self-destructing spyware is absolutely impossible to get caught in regular usage and without a forensic investigation of the mobile, Any form of Spyware is one of the most common threats to internet users. Once installed, it monitors internet activity, tracks login credentials, and spies on sensitive information. The primary goal of spyware is usually to obtain credit card numbers, banking information, and passwords.
The entire game of this virus does not only begins in India but is deeply rooted in the history of the world, Richard Nikson’s WaterGate Scandal, Jamal Khashoggi’s death, Rajiv Gandhi’s Tapping of phones, and many of such cases leads to the birthplace of the entire surveillance concept. Missing the surveillance technology has not been something new as you must have got an idea by now. Planting people against each other was a thing in the past, but the governments today use computers to spy. Detaining activists and journalists also have been practiced for a long time now, be it in the current government’s rule or even the previous ones.
The Present Linked Past
The Government is amidst a lot of questions from the opposition regarding the Pegasus spying on not just on the opposition but also well-known journalists, bureaucrats, and businessmen, in all the controversy, NSO, and its Pegasus have started to be in discussion once again, counter questions are a regular practice these days. As I said, the spyware is not new, but it gained attention in 2019, based on WhatsApp’s complaint about its encryption getting affected by the spy, only after that It became a conversation yet again. The sale of the spyware is only limited to the government and hence no indu=ividual can purchase it, be it Pegasus or any other spyware. The government has recently announced and agreed that it uses spyware (not confirmed the name) to keep a healthy check on suspicious activities. No blames can be given to any government, as almost every superpower is involved in the process.

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