“Inclusion and diversity are not only the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do. Research has shown that inclusive and diverse teams are more innovative, productive, and profitable than homogeneous ones. They can also attract and retain more talent, customers, and partners, as well as enhance their reputation and social impact” […]
An heartfelt Letter from a WarZone

An heartfelt Letter from a WarZone from Ukraine
#UkraineCrises #UkraineWar #Ukraine #Putin #UkraineRussiaWar #LetterFromUkraine #UkraineWar
2 Best #BeautyTips: #Glow Your #Skin & Prevent #Hairfall (All Natural)

#SkinCare is something which almost everyone is concerned about. Glowing skin challenges often let people use artificial ways to enhance the glow. But Today, i will let you know 2 possible and effective ways of getting a glow on your face without using any artificial face-washes, chemicals or even any other substances. Here are ways to make your skin glow naturally
#Self Improvement Amid #COVID19: #ChangeIsNeccessary; What Are You Doing to Innovate? Engaged? But How?

Change is often necessary in every individual and in the busy schedule one often keep trying to find time for himself or herself in which they can work on themselves and often try finding the “Me-Time” or as in todays lingo if we refer to. Corona Virus a deadly disease which is now on a rapid pace of taking deaths and infections in its gamut and proven to be even deadly than its Sister MERS & SARS. T…
SMILE: Fishing in The Eye ? – REFRACTIVE SURGERY (Experience & Review)- A Story of Shivam Bajaj

Now the next step was to find a fish in the ocean, sarcastically speaking the next step was like someone opened the cap of my eye and was trying to find a fish in the ocean and the best part was that I could see every single thing which was…
संतान – A True Story On Surrogacy Baby Trade By Shivam Bajaj (Hindi)
Disclaimer– Name & the characters in the story are fictional, but it’s based on a true story. “संतान” एक ऐसा शब्द है, जिसे सुनते ही हर घर में ख़ुशी आ जाती है। जैसे जैसे हम टेक्नॉलजी की मदद से आगे बढ़ रहे है, वैसे वैसे ही मेडिकल की दुनिया में भी बहुत तेज़ी से विकास हो रहा […]
SEAMO- A New Chapter
Education is a stepping stone of one’s future; a good education can guarantee success while bad education can even destroy ones’ lives. As technology is changing day by day and is also benefiting us at every level, similarly these days there are many well-established companies and even education start-ups who want to contribute and also […]
Past: The Destroyer or The Maker
Past Is a Phase of Life which can sometimes create you in trouble because of all the things you have done or sometimes can give you some best learnings which can help in your entire life. Past can be both destroyer or maker based on how one handle day to day experiences in life and […]
How & Why The Shivam Project
The Social Trigger is A Successful Initiative By God’s Grace. After the success of the Channel, I have Been receiving many messages/requests to start my New Channel which will be for uploading Drum Covers. Being A Drummer I also needed some platform where I can showcase my skills so I chose up YouTube Again. Now this […]
The Roller Coaster Ride of Shivam Bajaj On Youtube & Podcast

All this started with a basic advice of my Mom to start something new and different, rummaging through the pages of my Media Management book, one night before the exam, came an idea in my mind of doing some sought of social work. Now I had the genre of my work but the platform was still to be chosen. The Next day right after the exam while talking to a friend I came across this network Called “YouTube”, I can rightly say that this was the right time for me to start this channel. Being a “YouTuber” from that day gave me an immense pleasure and this was enough for me to do a research and hard work.
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