Marks Mark-sheet, Grade sheet cant decide the future of any student nor marks can make or destroy anyone’s life. I don’t Understand One thing, If those digits in mark sheet can decide one’s future then the fee bills can make one’s future because sarcastically mark sheet has lesser digits than the fee bills, so obviously […]
Past: The Destroyer or The Maker
Past Is a Phase of Life which can sometimes create you in trouble because of all the things you have done or sometimes can give you some best learnings which can help in your entire life. Past can be both destroyer or maker based on how one handle day to day experiences in life and […]
How & Why The Shivam Project
The Social Trigger is A Successful Initiative By God’s Grace. After the success of the Channel, I have Been receiving many messages/requests to start my New Channel which will be for uploading Drum Covers. Being A Drummer I also needed some platform where I can showcase my skills so I chose up YouTube Again. Now this […]
Jazz: Being Removed From The Mainstream | How & Why ?
Jazz is a genre that originated in African-American communities in the United States in the late 19th and 20th century. Jazz builds up a mood of the audience in a very enthusiastic manner but nowadays only movies like Whiplash are left to do so. “If he’s a true symphony artist, he knows better than that […]
Healthcare, Now With Rural India
Dispensaries , Hospitals , Costly Medicines seemed to a very far fetched reality for the rural India and especially the people from lower strata of the society but we can now say that Healthcare is no more a far-fetched reality as on 31st March 2016, Delhi Government Introduced a new concept of providing healthcare to […]
Talk With Natasha Jog (NDTV) On Pollution- The Social Trigger
(the video is at the end don’t forget to watch) The problem of Pollution in Delhi is a very serious problem, it’s not just affecting us but it is also affecting our posterity. Personalities are also talking about pollution so must watch what Natasha Jog says on Pollution.I personally feel that if […]
Demonetisation Explained By Shivam Bajaj
Black Money, the biggest problem of our nation which is also responsible for Defaming India as a country. but On 8th November 2016, Our Monetary reforms have taken a major change which has shaken not only the entire nation but also each and every economy of the world as far as trade is […]
The Roller Coaster Ride of Shivam Bajaj On Youtube & Podcast

All this started with a basic advice of my Mom to start something new and different, rummaging through the pages of my Media Management book, one night before the exam, came an idea in my mind of doing some sought of social work. Now I had the genre of my work but the platform was still to be chosen. The Next day right after the exam while talking to a friend I came across this network Called “YouTube”, I can rightly say that this was the right time for me to start this channel. Being a “YouTuber” from that day gave me an immense pleasure and this was enough for me to do a research and hard work.
Digital Detox ; 3 Apps That Can Change Your Lives
Disconnect To Reconnect A period of time during which a person refrains from using gadgets in order to refrain from stress and focus on Social […]
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